Stranger Things is an American web television series set in the fictional town of Hawkins in Indiana. The show follows the investigation surrounding the disappearance of a youngster amidst strange events taking place in the town. The first episode was aired on Netflix in July 2016. Fans of the show have been treated to different personalities portrayed by the cast members of the show. Take this Stranger Things quiz to find out which character from the show you are. Read More...
Like your favorite hoodie, a quarter-zip pullover sweatshirt offers both comfort and functionality. While the former is more relaxed in styling, quarter-zips are more versatile; they are great to lounge in, but can also be dressed up like an oversized polo, and can even be layered over a tee, making them the perfect top layer for transitional dressing.Trendy Queen’s Quarter-Zip Pullover is particularly a favorite on Amazon with more than 2,000 five-star ratings. Read More...
IntroductionAnthony Marcus Shalhoub, popularly known as Tony Shalhoub, is a renowned American actor who has made significant contributions to the film, television, and theater industry. His exceptional acting skills and versatility have earned him numerous accolades, including multiple Emmy and Golden Globe Awards. This article delves into the projected net worth of Tony Shalhoub in 2024, his career journey, and the various income streams that contribute to his wealth.
AttributeDetailEstimated Net Worth:$30 millionAge:68Born:October 9, 1953Country of Origin:United StatesSource of Wealth:Actor, ProducerEarly Life and Career BeginningsTony Shalhoub was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, to Lebanese-American parents. Read More...